DIY Inspiration

Leaf Art For Kindergarteners

Material Required:

Different types of leaves Scissors Glue Small Plastic Eyes Sky blue chart paper

Step  1

First of all, collect different types of leaves from your garden.

Adorable Aquatic Craft with Fish & Water Plants

Step  2

Stick some sprigs at the bottom of the chart paper using glue so that they look like water plants.

Adding a Watery Touch to Chart Paper

Step  3

Now, cut three vase-shape of different sizes, using scissors from three similar leaves for the body of those fishes.

Creating Vase-Shaped Fishes from Leaves

Step  4

Paste those 3 leaves diagonally and also paste 3 autumn leaves for the tail of the fish just above the bodies.

Creating a Fish with Autumn Leaves

Step  5

At the end, take 6 plastic eyes and stick 2 on each fish using glue as shown in above image.

Creating Fish with Googly Eyes

Step  6

Your amazing aquatic craft is ready to be shown to others and the fun part is that it hardly took any effort to make.

Creating a Fun Craft with Limited Supplies!

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