
Cute Cat Easy Step By Step Artwork Painting Tutorial

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Do you want to make a cute cat just by following a step-by-step tutorial? If yes, then you have visited the right place.

DIY Cat Easy Step-By-Step Artwork Painting Tutorial

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Materials Required

  • A circular cardboard piece
  • An old toothbrush
  • A paintbrush
  • Poster color in white and pink colors
  • A black marker
  • A circular sponge


Step 1: Painting the Outline of a Cat’s Body

Take a paintbrush and white poster color. Draw the outline of the cat’s body as shown in the picture.

Step 2: Inner Body of the Cat

By using the same paintbrush and white poster color, paint the inner body of the cat.

Step 3: Fur of the Cat

Take an old toothbrush and dip it in the same white poster color. Then use that brush to make fur on the cat’s body. Paint by moving the brush outwards. Look at the picture for the reference.

Step 4: Tail of the Cat

By using a paintbrush, paint the tail of the cat with the same white color.

Step 5: Ears of the Cat

For the cat’s ear, take pink poster color along with a paintbrush and paint the inner ears of it.

Step 6: Drawing the Eyelashes, Nose, and Mouth of the Cat

Take a black marker and draw eyelashes, nose, and mouth of the cat.

Step 7: Completing the Mouth of the Cat

By using the black marker, complete the mouth of the cat by drawing the area around the nose as shown in the picture.

Step 8: Highlighting the Cheeks

To highlight the cheeks of the cat, take a circular sponge and pink poster color. Dip the circular sponge in the paint and imprint the sponge on both the cheeks of the cat.

Step 9: Drawing the Whiskers

By using a black marker, draw the whiskers of the cat. Draw on both sides.

Cute Cat Artwork – An Easy Tutorials for Kids

A cat looks incomplete without its paw-prints! Therefore, by using the sponge make imprints and make it look like cat paw-prints. Finally, the artwork could be considered complete, unless you want to add something else. The artwork required only two colors and several materials which are easily available. Here we have drawn a white cat but one can use other colors as well, such as orange, black and gray. If desired, one can also combine different colors to make patterns on their cat.

Hope that this tutorial has invoked your creativity and you are inspired to make more of such artworks! Let us know in the comment section about your experience.

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