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Funny Food Decoration Ideas for Kids

Funny Food Decoration Ideas for Kids

Fun Food

Funny Food Decoration Ideas for Kids

Making  your  children to eat healthy are impossible things in the world in the eyes of every mother who is struggling to do that. Usual foods doesn’t create the interest to eat. But when it is decorated, children love to eat it. Every children look for colorful and funny named foods. Making healthy and decorative foods are not much hard. Here are the some ideas to do and make your child eat healthy and tasty.

Funny Food Decoration Ideas for Kids

Funny Food Decoration Ideas for Kids

Spider Snack

Image/Tutorial: Kids Activities Blog

Kids look for very attractive looked food to eat. Banana are the most hated food by kids and here is the idea that make your child eat without doubting it as banana. Slice the banana and dip it in flax seed. To make the legs of the spider use Pretzels. Add the body accent like eye using raisins and have the fun.

Unscramble- The Secret Message

Image/Tutorial: Kids Activities Blog

Experimenting with food decoration is new inspiring thing to do in the world. Combination of food and food color are exciting thing to do. To get your child healthy food is most difficult to do. But, when foods are decorative and colorful, we need not to look after the kids. Creativity lies within us. Create the own way of decorating the food and make kids getting it.

Turtle  Snack Waffle

Image/Tutorial: Tutus & Tea Parties

Are your kids obsessed with waffles? The waffles are not sticky one which are made by machines simply. Waffles are most favorite among kids and doing the turtle using waffle is quite simple and easy. Shape the waffles into shapes of turtle and arrange them. Make the body accent and face accent.

Fall Tree Snack

It is always fun to make the tree snack for kids. Here is the easiest way of making it. Two things are mandated for this snack. One is pretzels, other one is sweet yellow tomatoes and yellow tomatoes. I am sure every one will fall for the tree snack. This tree is simple to do than other things. Pretzels  are used as branches and trunk of tree. Tree attracts kids more.

Ladybugs With Celery

Image/Tutorial: Swirls and Spice

Have anyone else had mud eaten at their childhood? Here is the colorful recipes for  them. Celery helps in maintaining healthy joints and act as an antiseptic. It has other more befits too. Use the celery stick  and add  honey to taste. To blend with celery sticks  use peanut butter. Cut the carrot into small circle pieces and place it on stick .Use the flax seeds, or black sesame seeds to give  the more attractive look for them. Serve it with smile.

Edible Portraits

Image/Tutorial: Art Club Blog

Creativity make the kids, eat healthy than before. Giuseppe Arcimboldo was well known for  creating the human representation using fruits and vegetables. The way was much attracted by kids and elder ones too. To make it, refer the  Giuseppe Arcimboldo images and you will get the idea and understanding better. To do this, choose the fruits and vegetables which you are going to work with. Choose the own design or refer from web. Every one are creative and productive in their own way. Try this and  make your creativity go wild.

Star Pasta  Salad

Image/Tutorial: B-Inspired MAMA!

See how colorful the food is. Every  kid like star and  when it is in the eating bowl makes them eat a lot. Make the pasta boil well and add the pepper and onion. Using the star shaped cutter cut the cucumber and let little ones have it. Add cheese and pepperoni have the simple, healthy, colorful and veggie pasta for the day. Kid whoever seeing the bowl tend to complete it and ask for more .Kid will have lot of healthy things added for the day. Pasta makes them to eat more.

Making the children to be love the food, is not that such hard but you should the way of making it. Every children tastes differ from each other, so know them and give them what they love. Above shown pictures are some way of doing the food crafts for them. By referring them, try yours and make your children eat healthier than before. Stay healthy and live the life to fullest.

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