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Openers Activities Flashcards- Free Printable Worksheet


Openers Activities Flashcards- Free Printable Worksheet

To read and write is the basic thing to learn. Without it, people don’t have a way of communicating and expressing themselves. Thus, throughout their childhood children are kept involved in activities that help them learn and gain knowledge about how to read and write.

The use of V.C.O.P is widely accepted to help students improve their writing. V.C.O.P. stands for vocabulary, connectives, openers, and punctuation. These are the four core targets that one has to focus on to improve their way of writing.
The worksheet is about the openers.  An opener is the first word or phrase used in a sentence. While there are lots of different ways of opening sentences at a young age when children start on their writing journey, most sentences initially begin with ‘I, they, he/she’. Older children are introduced to ISPACED openers. ISPACED is an acronym used to teach children the different ways they can start a sentence to make their writing more exciting.

Openers Activities Flashcards

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I is for -ing words, S for simile, P for preposition, A for Adverb, C for conjunction, and E for -ed words or clauses. We can use conjunctions such as but, clauses like another thing or the last time, prepositions, similes, and adverbs to start a sentence. Here we have a list of those openers that can be taught to students or used as a reference.

Openers Activities Flashcards- 1

Openers Activities Flashcards

Openers Activities Flashcards- 2

Openers Activities Flashcards

Openers Activities Flashcards- 3

Openers Activities Flashcards

Openers Activities Flashcards- 4

Openers Activities Flashcards

Learning some common openers is one of the first things to do while trying to improve writing. It helps one to write in a better way. Download these and guide your students with the proper use of these to help them improve their way of writing. For more V.C.O.P. exercises, visit our website.

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