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Paper Plate Animal Craft Ideas for Kids

Paper Plate Animal Craft Ideas for Kids

DIY and Crafts

Paper Plate Animal Craft Ideas for Kids

An artistic mind finds beauty in everything. If we have a vision that can appreciate the beauty in every aspect we are more or less considered humane far away from being considered as artists. So this time we are here to introduce the craft ideas based on paper plates.

Paper plates usually go hand in hand with the craft. But when the ideas are unique, it goes even well. The following models can be tried by audiences of all age groups and are highly recommended for kids as they need nourishment at the very perfect time to enhance their brain productivity.

Paper Plate Animal Craft Ideas

Paper Plate Animal Craft Ideas for Kids

Read More: Easy Animal Craft Ideas & Activities for Kids

1. Reddish Big Eyed Crab

Paper Plate Crab And Lot More
The crab is made with full finishing using the half part of a plate. This would engage children in painting the plate which can be done with much ease as it doesn’t require much care to do freehand painting and cutting.

2. Angry Dolphin

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This craft would take children into a higher version of basic painting which requires a bit more attention in mixing colors. This enables children to learn more about color mixing and master the precise cutting technique with which the sharp teeth of the dolphin is being made.

3. It’s A Sunny Day!

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This is a more beautiful and work assured piece of craft that needs special attention in the field of coloring and drawing. The shining sun is first outlined and then cut from a yellow chart sheet with the utmost care and precision.

4. Can I Hold You..Cookies?

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‘This is a cookie holder made out of paper plates being undergone some folding. It is easier as well as beautiful and can be made within no time. You might require additional tape to paste the folding. This cone comes under the pure craft category that can be used as a diner. The steps are as mentioned below.

5. Flowery Fishes

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This is a variety of craft done with exceptionally brilliant features that get admired at the first sight. It shows two fishes facing each other. It brings joy to the eyes of the viewer as it is colorful and bright. This can be used as a perfect wall hanger.

Read More: Easy DIY Animal Crafts: An Origami Zoo Of Your Own!

6. Nested And Safe

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The craft awakes the feeling of divine motherhood wherein a bird secures its eggs on its beautifully carved nest made of threads. The entire work is done on a paper plate. The making of the craft doesn’t require much effort and also serves as a way to enhance the creativity of the kids.

7. Door Hanger Material

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This is a simple but classy door hanger made with almost no effort. You just need a paper plate and a few color papers. This can be used mainly as a home decor who prefer low exposure to colors.

8. Yellow Nested Birds

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Here, we introduce you to an awesome and colorful wall hanger that is an embodiment of the love and togetherness of a family. The artist tends to bring this feel to the viewer with the birds and the nest on the branch of a tree.

9. Welcome To The Sea World

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This is a marine-based theme specially made to impress those who have a passion for the waters and the aquamarine life. This can also be used as a gift material along with being a wall hanger. Also, the children would get ample practice in the mixing of colors.

10. I Am A Blue Bird

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This is a simple and cute paper plate design that proves to be impressive in the eyes of all age groups. Here, the kids are exposed to frame the face of a bird which enhances their creativity.

Read More: Fun Activities: Old CD Animal Crafts for Kids

11. Have You Seen Dinos?

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Here, the kids are exposed to a higher level of paint mixing where they design the hump of the Dino. They are prompted to think in a different angle to implement things in a new way that they are unfamiliar with.

12. Hey White Goat!


The white goat design can be made for kids of a very small age because this is one of the easiest of all explained in this series. If children are given an opportunity to enjoy the fun of arts from their very childhood, they can create wonders when they grow up.

13. Bugs And Wings


This section deals with how we design some figures like ladybugs and honey bees as cartoons. This can be used as wall stickers and also as toys for small kids. The making of the craft indulges children to develop a creative aspect in painting and designing the outline of the figures

14. Paper Plate Penguins

Here black and white combination on paper plates is made into a craft realization by craving penguins out of it. The steps required for the making of the beautiful penguins are given below.

15. Sneaky Joker

This is an awesome design of a joker made with a paper plate that engages children in almost all the fields of crafting. The joke is made with using very cheap raw materials. The kids are even encouraged to think for substitutes if they find something unavailable within their reach.

Read More: Interesting and Easy Paper Card Ideas for Kids

16. Paper Plate Tortoise

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Here we make a tortoise by making use of the same raw material as we used before. The details of the making of the craft are mentioned below. This craft also enhances the creativity of the children as this is a very thought-provoking idea.

The main material used in the above cases is paper plates. The artwork made on them gives it a real charm. Here, the kids are taken to another world of imagination where they would develop skills on integrating ideas and implementing them taking advantage of their surroundings and the available materials.

Thank you for visiting our page. Hope the presented ideas did enrich you with the basic skills on craft and proved to be useful. If you liked the page, do visit again. Give it a try and let us know what do gain from it. We would also like to hear from you as we believe that you are our strength. So please do post your comments and queries without hesitance.

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Kids Art & Craft
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