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20+ Rainbow Crafts and Activities for Kids

20+ Rainbow Crafts and Activities for Kids

DIY and Crafts

20+ Rainbow Crafts and Activities for Kids

Explore a colorful world of fun with rainbow crafts and activities for kids. Engaging and imaginative projects await.

Rainbows remind me of Spring! Spring is in the air over here at Our Little House in the Country so here are some of my favourite rainbow activities! Kids are really excelled themselves and come up with some bright, colorful, and appealing crafts that will cheer up the dullest day and look lovely displayed in the house or classroom. Rainbow crafts are fun at any time of year. Here’s a wonderful collection of the very best rainbow-themed crafts, art ideas, sensory play activities, and edible treats from this site and around the web! Focus Keyword: Rainbow Crafts

Beautiful Rainbow crafts for Kids

Beautiful Rainbow crafts for Kids

Rainbow pot pour

This is a beautiful pot pour rainbow craft. To make this beautiful craft start by drawing a pot on a sheet of paper. Paint it in black color. Using your finger tips and the seven colors of the rainbow create the rainbow starting from the mouth of the pot. The rainbow must have separate lanes for the different colors. It looks pretty and is ideal for kids.

Create a Cloud Rainbow with Paper and Popsicle Sticks

 Create a Cloud Rainbow with Paper and Popsicle Sticks

Image Source/Tutorial: Kids Art & Craft

This is a fun and creative craft project that can be done with the family. With just paper, popsicle sticks, and a bit of creativity, you can make a beautiful rainbow that looks like it’s made of clouds. It’s sure to brighten up any room!

Rainbow crafts for card making

It is a great idea ro make cards for the spring. Start with a hard stock sheet. Fold it in half. Now take seven colored strips. Each in one of the colors from the rainbow. Stach these strips together and then fan them out. Secure the strips in this position. Stick the close end at kne of the corners of the card. Hold the other ends and bend them inwards to create a bump in the middle. Stick the strips there. Now add a sun at the corner with the closed end. Stick a cloud at the fanned oit end of the rainbow strips. This card will surely bring cheer to tbe face of the receiver.

Beautiful Rainbow crafty fish

This rainbow fish uses celery to make its colorful scales. It is a great way to introduce colors to the young ones. Hand over some pages with a fish made on them to the students. Also provide them with celery stalks. Ask the students to make the scales of the fish using the celery stalks dipped in the rainbow colors. Let the students follow the rainbow color scheme. This will help them learn different colors.

Rainbow crafts in popsicle sticks

Such colorful crafts are fun to make. These colorful crafts provide the kid with freedom to create. Collect some ice cream popsicles and ask the students to paint them in the colors of rainbow. Once they have been painted, let them dry. Once dried, kids can now different shaoes and designs using these rainbow popsicles. These will truly look pretty. The kids will get a chance to explore new shapes and forms wich can be created using ice cream popsicles.

Beautiful rainbows carvings craft

This rainbow craft uses crayons shavings or dried flower petals. It is unique and beautiful. Take a large white sheet. Paint it in light blue color. Now make some semi circles. Use the crayon shavings kr dried flowers to fill in these semi-circles. Add cotton puffs at the base of the rainbow semi-circles. This beautiful craft is fun to create. You can also add glitter to this rainbow craft to make it look vibrant.

Rainbow colored snakes

This is a beautiful snake patterned fold craft. Start with colorful strips of paper. Keep them folding one on top of the other to achieve the right length of this snake gold pattern. This truly looks pretty and soothing. Your kids will surely have lots of fun with this snake pattern fold craft.

Square shaped rainbow crafts

Let us make this pretty rainbow craft. Take a hard stock sheet. Now cut out a semi circle from it. Make a smaller semi circle on it and cut it out. Now divide the width of the left U-shape in seven sections. Once you have divided the shape in seven equal sections, you can now cut the squares of the same dimensions as the width of each strip to fill in these sections. Get patterned paper in each color of the rainbow. Once you have cut the square pieces in all the colors, start sticking them onto the white sheet. Make sure you follow the right sequence of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red moving from inside to outside.

Rainbow colored rain crafts

This is a beautiful rainbow craft in which there is no rainbow. Actually we are making rain in the rainbow colors. To màke this beautiful craft buy ribbons in all the seven cors of the rainbow. Now take a small sized paper plate. Cut it in half to make a semi-circle oit of the paper plate. Now fill the inside of the paper plate rim with cotton balls. Now start cutting the rainbkw colored ribbons to size. Start sticking the ribbon pieces to the back of the paper plate in succession. The right order of the rainbow colors myst be followed while sticking the ribbons to the back of the paper plate.

Tissue paper rainbow crafts

This is a beautiful rainbow craft for kids. It will help them greatly in their overall growth. This craft uses paper plates and colorful tissue paper shreds. Provide the students with colorful tissues shreds in the colors of rainbow preferable sorted in colors. Also hand out the half semi-circular plates to the kids. Help the students to stick the tissue paper shreds in the right sequence of the rainbow colors. The end craft looks pretty and sweet. Thsi craft is a true vibe of the spring season. You may also add glitter to further beautify it.

Pipe cleaner Rainbow crafts

This pipe cleaner craft is truly fun. Take two cubes of foam. Keep them some distance apart. Now use some colored pipe cleaners. The pipe cleaners must be in the colors of the rainbow. Fix the two ends of the pipe cleaners in the two sponge cubes respectively. Once the pipe cleaner ends have been fitted in, take some cotton balls and stick them around the pipe cleaner ends on both the sponge cubes. This completes the rainbow craft using pipe cleaners.

Rainbow crafts with colorful paper

This beautiful rainbow craft can be made with colorful paper. Start by collecting colored paper in all the colors of a rainbow. Start with the red color and cut out the largest semi circle. Cut a smaller one from orange volored paper, a still smaller one from yellow paper, further smaller from green paper and still smaller from the blue paper, one size smaller from indigo paper and the smallest semi circle from violet colored paper. Your beautiful, colorful rainbow is ready.

Rainbow crafts using q-tips

This is a realky easy craft to make. Start with a hard stock sheet. Now take seven q-tips. Dip them one by one in the colors of rainbow. Align them in series. Hold them tight and pull the q-tips in a semi-circle to get a bwautiful rainbow pattern. The loss of color by the end of the pull creates a beautiful pattern. You can make this rainbow craft into a card or a scenery.

Rainbow craft scenery

This pretty raonvow garden craft uses only a paper plate as a base. Cut out an outer rim from another plate. Now paint the base plate in green color. The top of the plate must be painted in sky blue. Attach the extra rim cut from the other plate on top of the blue region. Now paint this added rim in the colors of the rainbow. Add flowers and butterflies to this beautiful garden scene to make it look more realistic.

Rainbow colored pasta craft

This colorful pasta rainbow craft looks pretty. First of all take some pasta and dye it in the colors of the rainbow. Once you have dyed the pasta, let it dry. Now use a piece of cardboard and cut out a cloud from it. Stick some cotton balls to the surface of the cardboard cloud piece. Punch some holes at the base of the cardboard cloud. Tie some strings from the punched holes. Now add pasta to these strings in succession of color. Secure the pasta from falling down by using glue gun to stick the last pasta to the end of the string.

Rainbow colors scales fish

Let us make this beautiful fish craft using rainbow colors. Start with a paper plate. Cut a quarter of the plate to make the mouth of the fish. Stick the cut out piece at the back of the paper plate. Add three more fins two at the bottom and one at the top cut from a hard stock sheet. Now add scales to fish. The scales of the fish can be cut from different colored sheets in the shape of hal crescents. This looks pretty and is really easy to make. Add a large googly eye to complete the rainbow fish craft.

Rainbow crafts with Pipe cleaners on pqper plate

This is a beautiful paper plate craft. Start with a half of the paper plate. Painf it in a light blue color. Now make some regular slits in the semi cicular plate. Using the seven colors of rainbow we will decorate this beautiful cloud craft. To realise this use the pipe cleaners in seven different colors of rainbow and pass them through alternate slits made in the paper plate. Now cover on end of the paper plate with cotton balls. This looks pretty and attractive.

Button craft rainbow colored rains

This is a beautiful rainvow craft. It is surely to fun to make. Start with a carboard piece. Cut a cloud out of this cardboard piece. Now stick cotton balls to the cloud cut from the cardboard sheet. Take the ribbons in violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red and stick them benath the cloud in succession. Add similar colored sequins, buttons, pom poms, etc. to decorate the ribbons hanging from the cotton ball cloud.

Rainbow Threadwork

This is a beautiful woollen thread work craft. To make this beautiful craft piece, take a piece of cardboard and cut it in a U-shape. Now use the seven colors of rainbow in woollen thread to wind around the U-shaoe cut from the cardboard. This gives rise to a beautiful seven color thread U-craft. You can use it to decorate your home.

Beautiful Rainbow paper with Rolling pin

A rolling pin can be beautifully employed to create beautiful rainbow patterns. Take a large sized rolling pin. Take a paint brush and make sections of different colors of rainbow on the rolling pin. Make sure you paint the seven colors in the right sequence of color. Spread out a large sheet of white paper. Now roll your paint laden rolling pon over the sheet of paper. This will give rise to a uniform rainbow pattern on the sheet of paper. It surely looks pretty and is easy to make.

Rainbow crystals

These rainbow crystals look beautiful. To make this beautiful crystal craft start by collecting some borax crystals. Make some colorful solutions in the colors of rainbow in water medium. Use a dropper to color the crystals from the edges. The color spreads from the edges of the crystals towards the inner sides. This causes the colors to get mixed and create new colors.

Rainbow crafts with beautiful Sun

This is a beautiful rainbow craft for kids to make. This beautiful craft requires wool in different colors of the rainbow. Take a paper plate and paint it in yellow color. Use a yellow colored chart paper to make the side flares of the sun. Cut the paoer plate in half. Keep the two paper plate halves facing each other. Stick long bundles of colorful woollen thread in the series of rainbow colors on the insides of the two half paper plates. You can add facial details to the sun if you want.

Rainbow Sun Catcher

This is abeautiful rainbow sun catcher. You can make this beautiful sun catcher on the glass window pane itself or you can use a plasticine sheet to make it. Draw the semi circles for the dream catcher. Shred the different colors of tissue paper. You have to use the colors of the rainbow. Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange red. Now stick the shredded pieces of tissue in the prescribed circular rings. Paste the tissue pieces on the glass or plasticine sheet. Now stick it on the window pane.

We hope you liked this beautiful and bright Rainbow crafts article. You may check out other related and beautiful craft articles on our website. You may leave your feedback and opinion in the comments section given below. We will come up with more interesting and engaging content soon.

Rainbow Crafts and Activities for Kids

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Kids Art & Craft
  • 20+ Rainbow Crafts and Activities for Kids
  • Beautiful Rainbow crafts for Kids
  • 20+ Rainbow Crafts and Activities for Kids
  • Beautiful Rainbow crafts for Kids
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